Domain names for sale

Welcome to Ben Franks Wine parked domains. Below is a list of domain names owned by Ben Franks Wine Ltd that are for sale.

If you would like to enquire or buy any of the listed domain names, please send us an email at

This domain name was purchased with the idea of a search engine style website, or a crowd-sourced Q&A forum. The guide price is £195. Combine the purchase of this domain with and get 25% off the purchase.

This domain name was purchased for a reviews or survey website. The guide price is £195. Combine the purchase of this domain with and get 25% off the purchase.

This domain name was purchased for a green issues website project that unfortunately never took off, and it is therefore up for sale along with the .com domain. The guide price for the domain name is £495, or combine with the .com domain and get both for £995.

As above. The guide price for the .com domain name is £795, or combine with the domain and get both for £995.

Originally purchased alongside the .com domain name for an ecommerce project that wasn’t progressed. It would suit a fashion brand, or a food and drink brand. Guide price is £195 for the domain, or combine with the .com for £495.

Purchased as above. Guide price for the .com domain is £395, or combine with for £495.

How to purchase a domain name from
Ben Franks Wine Ltd

If you would like to enquire or buy any of the listed domain names, please send us an email at